Tool Designing

We offer highly advanced tool designed services in the industry. The company is well supported with technical expertise and market competence to offer Tool Designing Services keeping the end vision of the valued clients in the market.

Sheet Metal Progressive Tool Design
FTI is the world's leading developer of computer aided engineering software for design and simulation of sheet metal forming. FTI has developed a suite of products to analyze product formability, die design, and process feasibility. These solutions have resulted in millions of dollars of savings for our customers. The speed and ease-ofuse of the software provides an excellent method of identifying potential engineering changes and cost improvements before completing the part or tooling design.

FASTBLANK : Fast and accurate blank development from 3D geometry Identify material thinning and gathering condition Reduce material cost and trials in prove out stage Solve parts with undercuts / negative drafts.

BLANKNEST : Automatically nest for best material utilization layouts. Quickly an accurately estimate material req. and cost Evaluate multiple nesting scenarios. Determine total cost per blank like cost, material etc. Nest two different parts together.

FASTFORM : Forming analysis Identify splitting, wrinkling, thinning with part / dieface Apply manufacturing process conditions Fast, easy to use Automatic meshing Automatic and manual tipping Predict springback with or without trimming Solve tailor welded parts.

COSTOPTIMIZER : Identify product design changes that can save 10 to 15% in material cost Evaluate and compare multiple costing scenarios.

FASTINCREMENTAL : FASTINCREMENTAL Simulate the forming process No need for FEM skills Automated tool extraction from form geometry.